December 4, 2018
December, 2018 has arrived and Italy is celebrating. And, perche Italia sempre fa una bella figura, because Italy always shows it itself in the best way, it is magnificent.
My town of Chiavari is no exception. (Please note that most photos shown here are from other members of a page for lovers of Chiavari.)
Decorating for the holidays here in Italy differs from what I grew up with in Minnesota. Snow covered the ground and there was a definite wind chill in the air. Everyone decorated their own homes to match their own taste. Families drove their cars through neighborhoods to see which homes had the best displays.
Here, there is a uniform elegance of light,
And a definite lack of snow in my town.
The lights are everywhere,
In every piazza,
On every street in Centro Storico, Town Center,
even inside the portici.
In a town like Chiavari, the locals stroll under the lights, admiring the festive ambiance. They greet their friends and neighbors, even people they don’t recognize are hailed and included into the community.
Our communal Christmas tree is now sparkling with light each night as we gather to meander throughout the heart of our citta`, our city.
I feel a sense of belonging as I stop to chat with others. I have begun to be treated like a local. My appearance helps me to fit in and my understanding of la lingua italiana has improved enough to converse with my neighbors for a while. When I begin to stumble, searching for words, they realize I was not born here. Still, for the most part, I am accepted.
Even as I leave Centro Storico to walk along the sea and go home, the colors of the night echo the earlier sunset,
And this morning’s spray from the waves attacking the rocks.
It is all a part of my home, my Chiavari. I wish you too could experience as I do.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have found this town almost by accident. And now it is my home
Let all across the planet enjoy the peace of the December holiday times. Let the light shine on us all as it does on Chiavari
Ciao for now!
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Ciao for Now!
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